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Sunday, August 19, 2007

Most Heartfelt Welcome dear Mr. Paul!!!

Holy Toledo... My first visit to the school was incredible! Of course, all the staff that I bumped into were friendly and welcoming, introducing themselves with wonderful lyrical names that I promptly forgot. But then all of a sudden, I heard the sound of distant drumming! "Ahhh Mr. Paul, it is time for the students to greet you!" So we head out of the school office, down a gauntlet of cute kids in "scout" uniforms, all dancing and chanting welcome poems to me. Flowers were bestowed a few times, and we (the principal, teachers, and I) had to stop several times for yet another hopping circle of cute little boys or girls to finish their welcome dance. Then we approached the assembly ground, and saw the 2400 students all neatly lined up in perfect organized rows (they do this every morning... not just for me!). The daily assembly involves many different aged students, who come up on stage to lead the masses in the school prayer, the school pledge, and singing of the national anthem. Then they introduced me to thunderous applause... a teacher read my bio over the loudspeakers, and then handed the mic over to me. Fortunately i'd prepared a Hindi phrase or two, which must have pronounced somewhat correctly because the students went wild with cheers and laughter as i carefully said each phrase... Aap sapi-ko mera namaskar! (greetings to all of you) Muje yaha pahunchker bhot kushi huy hey! (i am so happy to be here) Muju tora tora Hindi bolta (...but i only speak tiny bit of Hindi.) They loved it!

I had a great day there, touring the school, meeting staff, and observing a few classes. Every kid in the hall greets me with "Hello Mr. Paul sir!" or "Good afternoon Sir!" They all want to shake my hand, and ask a thousand questions about me, my family, and California. A few kids even requested my autograph. I am certainly feeling incredibly welcomed by both staff and students! I start teaching on Monday.

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